After learning simple division, we need a way to express equal parts of a whole. Fractions do that, so this is the time to introduce them. We start by identifying when a shape appears split into equal parts.
The denominator dictates how many equal parts are in the whole. Find which shape is appropriate for a specific denominator.
Here, you have to split the whole into a specific number of equal parts.
Now, which diagram represents the given fraction?
The next step is to identify what fraction of the shape is colored.
Can you color the fraction of the diagram?
Compare the diagrams displaying two fractions to determine their order.
Again, compare but without any visual aid. You can create your own diagrams to make it easier.
Every fraction has equivalents, so based on the drawing, write the missing one.
Find the equivalent but with no diagrams and only the numerator or denominator missing.
Identify which fraction appears as a sub-segment in the number line.
Display the fraction as a sub-segment on the number line.
Select the name of the fraction.
Finally, let's see a few word problems.
The total number of exercises in this chapter is 200.